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Corfe Hills School

Year 10 – Year 11 Curriculum

Which Subjects will you choose for Years 10 and 11?

Year 10/11 Subjects - Information

Having made choices about their future learning in February of Year 9 students will, from the beginning of Year 10, follow an increasingly personalised learning programme with a wide variety of different courses based on a system of guided choice.  The courses are accredited through GCSE, BTEC, NCFE and ASDAN.  All students will remain in education or training until the age of 18.  In this school an average of 55% progress to the Sixth Form, where a wide variety of Advanced Level courses are available.  The remaining 45% follow their education and training with a range of other providers.


In Years 9 - 11, groups are ‘set’ by ability, capability, interest or potential whenever possible.  Some students need additional classroom support and they receive it through the work of a specialist team of Teaching Assistants.


Year 10 and Year 11 Timetable (hours per fortnight)

Core Curriculum

English and English Literature




Core PE


Science (Combined or Triple)

10 or 15

Other Courses

GCSE in Art, Business Studies, Computer Science, Drama, French, Food & Nutrition, Geography, History, Media Studies, Music, PE, Photography, Product Design:Resistant Materials, Product Design:Graphics, Religious Studies, Spanish, Textiles


Technical Awards in Catering and Health and Social Care


Cambridge National Certificate in Sport


Personal Growth and Wellbeing




It is the school's stated policy to

  • provide a curriculum which is broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated and which offers equal opportunity to all students
  • deliver a personalised curriculum in a way that is varied, stimulating and dynamic; developing an approach that leads to highly effective learning now and one that creates a love of learning in the future
  • educate and encourage students to consider the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) pathway as a  route that keeps options open for further study and future careers


Years 10 and 11 do not exist in isolation and many of our young people will be thinking ahead even further when they consider their options in Year 9.  For most students, they will keep their preferred progression routes open by choosing courses which demonstrate breadth and balance which may well include the EBacc group of subjects.  For some, there may be specific requirements for future pathways and we will seek to ensure that the necessary advice and guidance is available where this is the case.


The vast majority of students will follow a core of English, Maths, Science and PE. Most students will also choose one of Geography or History or French or Spanish. Choice is available for all other areas.

Design and Technology has a broad range of courses, we would invite all students to consider one of the options available.  Each course enables students to develop a practical approach to problem-solving and build up a range and depth of skills in the chosen material area(s).

We would also encourage students who are likely to enjoy success on a Language course to consider either French or Spanish.  In the future, this may be required for further study, to work in the UK or abroad or simply for leisure.

There is a range of other courses in the Arts, Humanities and in Business & Computing.  Within these, a number of different learning and assessment styles are used.  Breadth and balance are again the key words for students and parents as decisions are made about all of these.

The Creative Arts offer includes Art, Drama and Music.  These courses all foster the important skills of creativity and we would encourage students to consider them where this is appropriate.  In addition, students may choose either GCSE PE or the OCR Cambridge National in Sport Studies.

The Corfe Hills offer in Humanities includes Geography and History, both of which increase young people's understanding of the world in which they live, and Religious Studies, which looks at a number of world religions and topical issues.

We also offers courses which focus on the modern world of work.  These are widely applicable to young people and include Business Studies, Computer Science and Health & Social Care.