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Corfe Hills School

Curriculum Contacts

Corfe Hills School has an extensive curriculum, comprising of more than forty subjects across KS3-5. These subjects are organised and delivered throughout the school in eight separate areas, led by a faculty/subject leader:


E Rayner - ERayner@corfehills.net


J Pollett - JPollett@corfehills.net


K Sevenoaks - KSevenoaks@corfehills.net 

Business and Information Technology

Business Studies: 

M Betteridge-Hanson -  MBetteridge-Hanson@corfehills.net 

Z Guscott - ZGuscott@corfehills.net

Computer Science:  S Early - SEarly@corfehills.net

Health and Social Care:  D Gale - DGale@corfehills.net

Creative Arts

Art:  R Pollard - RPollard@corfehills.net

Drama:  L Penny - LPenny@corfehills.net

Music:  C Inskip - CInskip@corfehills.net

PE: R Dominey - RDominey@corfehills.net


Geography:  R Noke - RNoke@corfehills.net 

History:  N Clark - NClark@corfehills.net

RE:  M Stone - MStone@corfehills.net

Modern Foreign Languages

French:  P Palmer - PPalmer@corfehills.net

Spanish:  C Hermida - CHermida@corfehills.net


Food:  P Brennan - PBrennan@corfehills.net

Textiles:  M Uddin - MUddin@corfehills.net

Design & Technology: H Collins-Donworth - HCollins-donworth@corfehills.net